Dina Pavlis Presentation on the Oregon Dunes ecosystem – Thursday, January 11, 1:30 PM – Siuslaw Public Library

Siuslaw Public Library 1460 9th St, Florence, OR, United States

Mark your calendars for the January 11th meeting of City Club of Florence when the keynote speaker will be Dina Pavlis who will share about the history, geology, topography, wildlife of the Oregon dunes as well as current threats facing the dunal ecosystem. For more than twenty years, Pavlis has served as a U.S. Forest Service volunteer interpretive ranger of the Oregon dunes on Oregon’s central coast. She has been featured on Oregon Public Broadcasting's "Think Out Loud" and NPR's "Oregon Grapevine. She is a featured presenter for Road Scholar (RoadScholar.org) and member of the Oregon Dunes Restoration Collaborative (SaveOregonDunes.org). [...]

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